Winter’s Coming – Should We Dance?

   “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” ― Robert Brault  ~~~

thundercloudsI have to admit that this is my least favorite time of year..

Oh, don’t get me wrong, I love the outdoors and the beautiful colors that fall has to offer. The hues and shades are magnificent! The deep reds and bright yellow and oranges plus the hustle and bustle of all the animals, are such a delight.

However, the older I get, the more I am saddened when fall arrives. Time to tidy the garden; a lot of deadheading, mulching and pulling up plants to get ready for winter….  I hate goodbyes.

I love playing in the soil and watching things flourish.

Funny, it’s like I have a deep relationship with all that I grow. Our bond is full of contentment and lovely moments.

Summer is but a blink and then gone. Quickly plant in the spring in hopes that Jack Frost does not linger in the night…

Nourish, feed, love.. harvest … then it’s over.. just like that.

Now fall is near its end. Great clouds are gathering in the foothills threatening to thunderstorm on our parade. The clouds are quickly moving in. Do you see their glory? I can almost touch the white and grey billows. I hurriedly ride home on my bike for fear that the great thunderbolts will shout their anger in my direction. It seems that I am following the storm for miles. Ah, but I have to stop for a few pics. And in my silent satisfaction, I am pleased in knowing that it’s raining in the foothills and not here.


In the distance you can see a bit of snow already kissing the peaks of the mountains. Ah, too soon it will be snowing here. I have to chuckle at myself. Now I wish for fall to stay a while.

I am not one who complains a lot…. truly! I Never say it’s “too hot”, “to cold” or “to wet”. I dearly love the seasons. But why oh why is summer shorter than winter? It seems that no sooner do I get acquainted with my garden friends then the relationship is over. With some plants, it is an on and off relationship (perennials), with other plants it’s a strong attraction then it dies (annuals)..

Okay, I am getting carried away here…

A New Day

Today the landscape reminds me of those beautiful pictures you see of China and the rolling fog intertwining with the many round mountain peaks. I was in hopes to capture the essence from afar. To my dismay, I think I needed to be high on the mountain tops looking down. But nonetheless, the pics are amazing.

And as I look in the distance of the beauty that befalls me, I am thankful for the blessings of witnessing this glorious sight. Yes, winter is coming and I will dance.

fall colors

Until We Meet Again

I do hope you enjoy these pics. I could not capture the threatening storm in its entirety, for it was bold and mighty. At least I didn’t get caught in the eye of the storm, this time. But that’s another story…

Until we meet again. Be well!

Two for the Road Jack

fall colors whitefish


rain clouds

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